There are 1 repository under next-auth-v5 topic.
🌈 一个简单的个人站,使用 Next.js 构建
Modern, open source starter templates for Next.js 14 full-stack and SAAS projects. Built with Tailwind CSS, ShadCn, Next-Auth v.5 and several databases. Branches contain stand-alone set ups, including for serverless databases like PostgreSQL with Neon and MySQL with PlanetScale, Drizzle ORM, Prisma ORM v.5, but also MongoDB and Supabase.
Next.js 14 Boilerplate with (App Router), Next-auth (v5), Next-intl (translated routes), Prisma ORM, Resend, Tailwind CSS, and Shadcn/UI & Radix UI, plus many other features.
authentication with next-auth v5 using middleware
Nextjs 14 w/ Next-Auth v5, Prisma, zod, react-hook-form | Forgot password | email verification | 2FA | User Roles | Rate Limiting
NextJS boilerplate for Credentials, Google, and Github authentication built with NextJS 14, Next-Auth v5, PostgreSQL, Prisma, Zod, etc...
An advanced repo dedicated for authentication built with the most modern web techonologies.
A complete authentication boilerplate
A First Next Js App Router Course
A full-stack freelance project built for one of my clients in Poland, using NextJS 14 with its latest features (app router, server actions, etc.), TypeScript, Next-Auth, Postgres database hosted with Neon, Drizzle ORM, Stripe, TailwindCSS, and more. This fully-functional project consists of a store front, client's section and an admin dashboard.
Next.js v14+ & Next-Auth v5 with Microsoft Entra ID & Graph API authentication. Ideal for kickstarting secure Next.js apps with Azure.
A simple authentication nextjs project developed with CodeWithAntonio.
Next.js 14 SAAS starter with PostgreSQL, Prisma ORM. Streamline user sign-up/sign-in flow, Google, Facebook authentication. Tailwind CSS, Next-Auth v5. Versatile, efficient.
Scalable folder structure boilerplate and starter-kit for Nextjs 14 with App Router support. Using TypeScript, TailwindCSS, NextAuth, Eslint, Prettier, Husky, Commitlint and Lint Staged
Next-auth authentication toolkit along with stripe.
A simple app to learn authentication using auth.js v5
WIP: Boilerplate for Next Js. Eslint, Husky, i18n, Prettier, Shadcn, Storybook, Stripe, Tailwind
Travel website with Next.js 14 + Next-auth v5
Webinarium is built using Next.js 14 framework, leveraging its full-stack capabilities to deliver a seamless user experience. We employ next-auth for robust authentication processes, Prisma for object-relational mapping, and zod for schema validation, ensuring that our platform stands on a foundation of reliable and secure technologies
Collaborative Code Editor where user can create, edit and view frontend and server side code snippets directly on your browser. Users can join room and collaborate to see realtime updates.
NextJs 14 Boilerplate with NextAuth, tailwind, MuiV5
This is my simple portfolio webiste which talks more about my interest and projects that have done so far
This repository contains a full-stack application built using Next.js and Next-Auth v5. The application includes a comprehensive set of authentication features such as credentials login and registration, OAuth login, forgot password, email verification, password reset link, and two-factor authentication (2FA).
A modern family tree builder application created with the T3 Stack. Users can create, edit, and visualize family trees interactively, with dynamic relationships and customizable family structures. Built using Next.js, tRPC, TypeScript, Prisma, and TailwindCSS.
Muswaddaty is an open-source, block-based, collaborative online text editor inspired by Notion. It offers a rich and intuitive user interface for creating and editing content collaboratively.
Nextjs 14 + Next Auth v5 with roles, email verification, two factor authentication and more.
Complete authentication system in NextJs using next-auth v5 commonly named as auth.js
An advanced GEMINI Clone built with Next.js, featuring enhanced functionalities and faster response times.
Sign up and auth, super quick with Auth.js, with database-backed sessions, social sign in, and magic links.
(2024-01) 새로 개발할 프로젝트 (example) 세미나 자료 (java, nextjs)
Blogify is a weblog built with Next 14 and Next Auth v5. No post requests were send instead server actions were used. Included features like route protection using Next Auth, which does not prefetches the protected pages which in turn improves performance. You can also login with Github.
Next.js auth template with auth-v5.
Proactive Muslim is an Islamic application. Through this, users can keep track of their daily activities, which will act as reminders.