There are 0 repository under native-modules topic.
Sample: Start an Android activity or an iOS view controller from React Native JavaScript.
Create and package prebuilds for native modules
Template library and blog that explain how JSI modules are built from scratch in React Native
Build tool and bindings loader for node-gyp that supports prebuilds
Ready for distribution boilerplate for Electron Angular applications with native modules support (node.js addons and plain native libraries)
Native module for generating thumbnails with asset uri
Example of writing Swift modules in Expo
Dev-ready boilerplate for creating modern and truly fast websites with solid-js
Event driven RPC between a Swift backend and a Clojurescript front end.
🚇 Demonstrate how to create an example app for your RN library using Metro bundler
An example project created for my blog post "React Native: a simple architecture for Native Modules communication with your UIViewController on iOS" and "React Native: a simple architecture for Native Modules communication with your Activities and Fragments on Android" :iphone::collision:
React Native Facebook Authentication with Native Modules
Jhora means bag, this is a banking desktop app built using github's electron, nodejs, angularjs, sqlite3. It records Cr, Dr transections and generates reports based on records. This is built for educational purpose.
Adds a block containing the customer's shopping cart in PrestaShop 1.6.
A QR code app that help you scan and generate QR code built with React Native and ZXing library (Native Modules)
Native Module using Kotlin & Swift for React-Native
A voice changer app developed in React Native using Native Modules and Java.
Toolkit to make C++ modules and extensions for the Panda3D engine
Repository of NodeJS course (part one) of @midudev.