There are 0 repository under national-identification-number topic.
Bangladesh NID verification (Porichoi API)
Here we have some set of Useful PHP Snippets, which are useful for PHP Developers.
Calculate DOB and Gender using SL NIC
IBAN, National Id, Credit Card Number and Phone number validator tool
Myanmar National Registration Card's Parser
Validation of Turkish Identification Number (TC Kimlik Numarası Kontrolü ve Doğrulaması)
Validation and parsing of the Swedish national identification number as well as co-ordination numbers for foreign citizens.
Elixir library to parse and validate Norwegian national identification numbers
Generates a valid Lithuanian national identification number
National Identifier Format Validation for various countries e.g. Social Security Number (SSN), Permanent Account Number (PAN) , UIDAI issued Aadhaar, Cadastro de Pessoas Físicas (CPF), Cadastro Nacional da Pessoa Jurídica (CNPJ), Nomor Pokok Wajib Pajak (NPWP), National Insurance Number (NI)
IBAN, National Id, Bank Credit Card Number and Mobile Phone validator package
OIB validator for JavaScript. OIB (from Croatian "Osobni identifikacijski broj") is national identification number used in Croatia.
Python package to verify national identity cards (NICs) and to extractor data from NIC number
An API made with python that processes images and sends extracted NID information (Made for bangladeshi NID cards mostly)