There are 0 repository under natgateway topic.
Returns a list of all Public IP addresses being used by your AWS account. You can configure which regions you want to query.
Here built an architecture for the VPC using the terraform as IaC
Here built an architecture for the VPC using the terraform as IaC
Deploying EC2 Instances, VPC with Public and Private Subnets via Terraform
Using AWS Cloudformation IaC to deploy a high availability web app (Udagram)
This template installs a highly-available, scalable Nginx webservers using a multi-az Amazon RDS database instance for storage.
Designed and provisioned an AWS classic load balancer using Terraform
Here is a small project where a website with a database and is deployed in an AWS infrastructure with high security via VPC, NACL, security groups.
Contains CloudFormation implementations of projects for my Cloud Devops Engineer Nanodegree.
Udacity's DevOps Nanodegree CloudFormation Project
Setting up remote access to VPC Resources