There are 0 repository under nat-gateways topic.
DEPRECATED (use cloudposse/terraform-aws-dynamic-subnets instead): Terraform module for multi-AZ public and private subnets provisioning
Stakater Blueprint for creating best-practices network on AWS. Stakater is an Infrastructure-as-Code DevOps solution to automate the creation of web infrastructure stack on AWS. Stakater is based on Docker, CoreOS, Terraform, Packer, Docker Compose, GoCD, Fleet, ETCD, and more.
Based on node-nat-upnp, Refactored in ES6 with some changes.
Terraform template to build AWS VPC and install NGINX
Terraform module to create Azure NAT Gateway to provide source network address translation (SNAT) for a subnet.
Complete ECS - VPC network in Terraform with best practices.