There are 7 repositories under mycroft-skill topic.
A repository for sharing and collaboration for third-party Mycroft skills development.
mycroft skills with node red
Mycroft AI official Weather Skill, providing weather conditions and forecasts.
Query Wikipedia articles
An intercom, messaging, and (video) calling skill for Mycroft!
Mycroft AI Hello World Skill - use this basic Skill to see how Mycroft AI Skills work.
Mycroft AI official Alarm Skill - Set single and recurring alarms, with a choice of alarm sounds
Mycroft AI official Reminder Skill - set reminders
Mycroft AI official Singing Skill - Mycroft speaks lyrics to popular songs
Telegram Skill for MyCroft
Mycroft AI demonstration Skill for using GPIO pins with the RPi 3
Mycroft AI official Skill installation Skill - allowing voice installation of Skills
Control a LED connected to a GPIO on a Raspberry Pi when a wake word is detected.
Mycroft AI official Desktop Launcher Skill - launch applications in Linux
Mycroft A.I. unofficial - ReSpeaker 4Mic HAT Skill.
Mycroft AI official Volume Skill - control the volume of your Device
Mycroft AI official Duck Duck Go Skill - used as a fallback if an Utterance can't be matched to an Intent
Mycroft AI official News Skill, providing the latest news report from your favorite broadcast.
This skill is for controlling Domoticz with the intelligent personal assistant Mycroft.
Mycroft AI official Audio Record Skill - record audio and play it back
Mycroft AI official Stop Skill - stop the actions of a Skill that are in progress
When Mycroft doesn't know something, Mycroft will look up and download a skill that can handle that request.
Mycroft AI official Wolfram Alpha Skill - used as a fallback if an Intent is not matched
Mycroft AI official Timer Skill - set multiple named timers
Mycroft AI official Joke Skill - provide basic jokes
Mycroft AI official Personality Skill - answers basic personality questions around Mycroft
make mycroft do an evil laugh
Mycroft AI official Pandora Skill - listen to Pandora music
Mycroft AI official Playback Control Skill - providing Intents for other Skills to use common playback functionality (via Common Play)
A skill for mycroft that will answer many questions about pokemon