There are 0 repository under mvvm-architecture-pattern topic.
For setup your flutter project with Model–View–ViewModel (MVVM) architectural
📖A simple online dictionary app to look up meanings and definitions of words. Built using Kotlin and Jetpack Components (Hilt, Coroutines, Flow, Room, Lifecycle, and Navigation Component) based on MVVM and Single Activity Architecture.
By using TMDB API , we created an android app with kotlin. We also used android latest features and frameworks like MVVM + Dagger hilt + Retrofit + Coroutines + Flow + Paging3 + Moshi.
A powerful Android framework designed to simplify the integration and management of Bluetooth-based IoT devices
"Project Manager" iOS App. A SwiftUI iOS app allowing users to manage their projects, teams and tasks. Utilizing Core Data and endeavoring to follow the MVVM software architecture pattern.
It is an simple explame of MVVM architechuer in Kotlin. I have used coroutines also to start multiple thread process based on its requirement.
SwirlChat, A MVVM Chat Application. Stay connected with those who matter most in an instant, seamless and secure manner.
Application that shows a list of bike station and it's bike station details. It's developed in MVVM Architecture and used tech stacks are Kotlin,LiveData,Dagger-Hilt Dependency Injection,Jetpack Navigation Component,Safe-Args ,Retrofit ,Coroutines and Google maps
a meticulously crafted Flutter app that delivers a flawless user experience. With a keen eye for design and utilizing the best packages available, I have created a stunningly responsive UI that adapts seamlessly to various devices and screen sizes. Super-Store—Ecommerce guarantees an immersive and user-friendly shopping experienceز
This is SwiftUI Project