There are 1 repository under multiple-regression topic.
Learning to create Machine Learning Algorithms
This package can be used for dominance analysis or Shapley Value Regression for finding relative importance of predictors on given dataset. This library can be used for key driver analysis or marginal resource allocation models.
Built house price prediction model using linear regression and k nearest neighbors and used machine learning techniques like ridge, lasso, and gradient descent for optimization in Python
Recursive Leasting Squares (RLS) with Neural Network for fast learning
Quantitative Finance & Statistics Projects. Topics including multiple linear regression, variance and instability estimates, display methodology.
Testing doing basic regression with web assembly
In this project you will build and evaluate multiple linear regression models using Python. You will use scikit-learn to calculate the regression, while using pandas for data management and seaborn for data visualization. The data for this project consists of the very popular Advertising dataset to predict sales revenue based on advertising spending through media such as TV, radio, and newspaper.
PYTHON- Projects in my MAT-243 STATS for STEM I course at SNHU (HTML files and Python files with source code and reports)
A collection of some of my R Projects
Data analysis with Python to building and evaluating data models.
A simple intuitive method for multiple regression
Predictive analysis, with feature engineering, and machine learning (ML) algorithms, such as linear regression, applied to predict the final sale price of homes in Ames, IA from 2006-2010.
Examples of Machine Learning Regression Models Built in Python and R
This repository contains machine learning algorithms implemented from scratch and using scikit-learn, covering classification, regression, and clustering. Each algorithm is well-documented, with clear code and explanations. To use K-Medoids, install sklearn_extra via pip install scikit-learn-extra. Contributions are welcome!
In this repository, delve into the realm of regression modeling featuring an array of algorithms applied to diverse datasets. Explore the strengths and nuances of different regression techniques, providing a comprehensive overview for anyone interested in predictive modeling.
I constructed a simulation study to evaluate the statistical performance of two equivalence-based tests and compared it to the common, but inappropriate, method of concluding no effect by failing to reject the null hypothesis of the traditional test. I further propose two R functions to supply researchers with open-access and easy-to-use tools that they can flexibly adopt in their own research.
Data Science from the very basics along with some projects
This repo includes the beginning of my more advance project work during my undergraduate program at UPenn, wherein we to applied statistical concepts into our analysis in R.
Investigated the influence of economic, birth, and health factors on Chicago neighborhood homicide rates using correlation, simple regression, and multiple regression analyses. Created a heatmap to visualize differences in homicide rates between Chicago neighborhoods.
Wesleyan University
Used Car Price Prediction Package
A repo for all my Data-Science ipynbs. Helpful for someone who wants to start with the basics of Data Science (Stats, ML, DL)
아주대학교 2021-2 비즈니스 애널리틱스 프로젝트
The MATLAB code analyses stock prices of a company and predicts the closing price. The algorithms implemented for predicting closing price are: (a)Kalman Filter (b)Kalman Multiple Linear Regression The algorithms implemented for analysing the trends in a stock (c) Bollinger bands (d). Chaikin Oscillator Output - 1. Graphs showing the predicted and actual values of closing price of stock anlong with bollinger bands 2. The chaikin oscillator graph 3. %accuracy of prediction of Kalman and MLR filter The file contains the following - 1. Code (a)stock_analysis.m (b).kalman1.m (c)bollinger.m (d) (e). chaikin.m (f).ma_filter.m 2. Data - 2 .mat files having opening,closing, high,low and volume of a stock (a) comp_1.mat and (b)comp_2.mat To run the stock market analysis code - 1.Run stock_analysis.m 2.Enter file name
Multiple regression is an extension of simple linear regression. It is used when we want to predict the value of a variable based on the value of two or more other variables. The variable we want to predict is called the dependent variable (or sometimes, the outcome, target or criterion variable)
Ames Housing Prices: Advanced Regression Techniques
Compute regression event-related potentials ("rERPs") which account for hypothetical overlap among brain processes accompanying temporally adjacent cognitive events (e.g., stimulus and response).
Workshop on two-way ANOVA and multiple regression in R, presented at the SLAT Roundtable on Feb. 8-9, 2019.
Linear Regression and polynomial regression using Python
Repo for multiple regression assignments in Quant III for EDUC467.
Learn about Feature Engineering and get familiar with Advanced regression techniques like Lasso, ElasticNet, Gradient Boosting, etc.