There are 0 repository under multimodule-android-app topic.
Stable Diffusion AI client app for Android
Clean Architecture for Android - a sample project
Multimodule architecture example
Multi Module Clean Architecture Compose sample app
This quotes app targets Android, iOS and Desktop platforms, and is developed using Kotlin Multiplatform, JetBrains Compose Multiplatform, App Modularization, Clean Architecture and other Jetpack Components and multiplatform libraries.
Graphfity is a Gradle Plugin which creates a dependency node diagram graph about your internal modules dependencies, specially useful if you are developing a multi-module application
Repo to demonstrate usage of MAD with multi module setup, centralised dependency management, jetpack compose, CI/CD,clean code and mvi architecure
Clean Architecture 학습 및 구현(MVVM, RxJava2, Hilt, Koin, Dagger2, Jetpack Lib)
Singularity Code | Android Codebase
Simple chat project created with Jetpack Compose and Firebase, using clean architecture + MVVM.
Dynamic-feature Android multimodule project with Dagger
Repo demonstrates Multi Module Clean Architecture on Android with Jetpack Compose, Coroutines, Flow, MVVM,
My first compose app.
The project uses Jetpack Compose for UI, MVVM with Clean Architecture, Multi Module codebase, and libraries like Koin for Dependency Injection, Flow, Coroutine, Ktor, Kotlin Serialization, SQLDelight, and Version Catalog for seamless development. This enables a reactive user interface, improved scalability, and maintainability.
Simple app for testing multimodulity and clean architecture.
Sefim is a native android tools app for construction site supervisors written in Kotlin using Jetpack Compose with multi-module architecture.
Native Androidで作るGithubリポジトリ検索アプリ
E-commerce App with diff products, separated categories, searching, favorites products, login & sign up, payment by various ways...etc.
An android application for creating a journal for subjects you studied and also you can set timer for break.
☁️ DameDame - Android ☁️
Multi module app, created with most robust technologies and patterns. App is intended for measure body composition parameters with use of BLE.
Android app template setup to kick start your app development - 2023
Multi Module Project using Clean Architecture for Mobile and TV platforms
Multi Module, Compose, Clean-Architecture, Flow, Ktor, Coil, Spotless, Version Catalog, Hilt, Navigation, Material3, Google Fonts
Matching schedule management app for college soccer clubs
an native android application in which user can track their daily activities , their mood and many more
An example of the idiomatic structure of a large Android project.
Technical Test at Trawlbens.
Android app to track daily calorie intake in order to achieve weight-related goals
Android Clean Architecture Note App