There are 1 repository under multi-arch topic.
Provides a ready-to-go Baikal server, incl. docker-compose.yml & Systemd service file
Pocketbase docker image
ZeroTier One as Docker Image
(GPU accelerated) Multi-arch (linux/amd64, linux/arm64/v8) JupyterLab Python docker images. Please submit Pull Requests to the GitLab repository. Mirror of
Nightly builds of Minio server Docker images. Compatible with arm64, armhf/armv7, and amd64.
(GPU accelerated) Multi-arch (linux/amd64, linux/arm64/v8) Data Science dev containers for R, Python, Julia and MAX/Mojo
Cross-platform whoami service that prints it's container ID - Linux / Windows / ARM
(GPU accelerated) Multi-arch (linux/amd64, linux/arm64/v8) JupyterLab R docker images. Please submit Pull Requests to the GitLab repository. Mirror of
VSCode Server with .NET SDK pre-installed
Download your favorite command-line tools with ease!
Multi-Arch docker image for boringtun
My personal, unprivileged, Docker Image to make running a full Monero Node as easy as possible.
Dockerfile for a ready-to-go InfCloud server.
A demonstration of using Docker Buildx by enabling multi-arch support while building container image for Go application
Docker PHP images for local development. Pre-configured with Xdebug, Composer, and dev tools. Based on wayofdev/docker-php-base. Multi-arch support for AMD64/ARM64.
Foundational Docker PHP images with essential extensions. Multi-arch (AMD64/ARM64) Alpine-based builds for CLI, FPM, and Supervisord. Optimized for production and development environments.
(GPU accelerated) Multi-arch (linux/amd64, linux/arm64/v8) JupyterLab QGIS docker images. Please submit Pull Requests to the GitLab repository. Mirror of
Always up to date openzwave base images
A docker multi-arch image with a tiny MySQL client to create databases dumps and s3cmd S3 client purely installed on the latest Alpine container.
(GPU accelerated) Multi-arch (linux/amd64, linux/arm64/v8) JupyterLab Julia docker images. Please submit Pull Requests to the GitLab repository. Mirror of
multi-os multi-arch pipeline
Optimized Nginx Docker image for PHP development. SSL-ready, lightweight Alpine-based, multi-arch support. Ideal for Laravel, Symfony, and PHP web services.
An opiniated Docker image for troubleshooting purposes, especially within a Kubernetes cluster.
A reloaded fork of the Capstone disassembler framework
Github actions multi-architecture container guide repository.
Containerised Jupyter deployment. Please submit Pull Requests to the GitLab repository. Mirror of