There are 0 repository under mongock topic.
Simple expense tracker written in Java
GraphQL Demo Application
Allows mongock database migrations for MongoDB to be executed during Quarkus startup
Spring Boot microservice template implemented using Spring Boot 3.3 and Java 21
Reproduces a problem in executing tests with Mongock 5
Enhance your GIS project using the powerful combination of Spring Boot 3, MongoDB, and Mongock. With this technology stack, you'll unlock advanced search functionalities that allow you to effortlessly discover nearby points of interest and effortlessly navigate spatial data. Additionally, leverage the capability to find points within specific shape
SGEAP (Students guarantee excellent academic performance) - study project, prototype of application for SSAU students from SSAU students
Микросервис "Телефония". Java 17, Gradle 8.3, Clean architecture, Spring (Boot 3.1.5, Web, Data MongoDB) , MyBatis, Lombok, Migration(Flyway, Mongock), PosgreSQL, MongoDB , REST API, Testing(JUnit, Mocikto, Testontainer, Integration)
Exchange Rate Calculator
Example of using Mongock 5 with Spring Boot
Simple expense tracker app built using spring data mongodb
Learn and Apply MongoDB concepts using Spring Data JPA