There are 1 repository under monadic topic.
Automatic typeclass-based abstraction over monad-like types
[W.I.P] A Just-In-Time Java Virtual Machine written in Haskell
Header only library for binding, reordering and currying of function arguments without cost
A Rust-like Result utility for TypeScript.
Functional dataflow through composable computations
Concise monadic parser combinator library with separate lexer/parser phases, off-side rule and big-size input support.
C++26 STL for C++14~ developers
A simple yet powerful result type implementation for C#.
Fluture-js based middleware for Redux. Handle async actions with FantasyLand compliant Futures, a lazy, monadic alternative to Promises.
Utilities for monadic promises.
Response handler with monads for C#. Heavily inspired by Rust module Result.
⌨️ Jack Language Compiler in Haskell
A toy monadic parser combinator library for OCaml
This is a C++ module that provides some monadic interfaces for C++.
A monadic library for I/O actions in TypeScript
WIP: Untyped lambda calculus compiler
Abstract class for service object scaffolding
Port of Bartosz Milewski's C++ monadic IO to typescript. Created a mix of Maybe/IO/Promise, which is a fully functional CCC environment, allowing for recursion to code more complex operations, and inherits all the convenient properties of its components.
pyNomads is THE totally free pre-compilation and error avoidance engine which has many different strategies to assure execution at time of and place of request or recipient receiver of a monadic action. Still in active dev mode - but works like a charm (hence no package yet). Enjoy.