There are 61 repositories under mobile-security topic.
Mobile Security Framework (MobSF) is an automated, all-in-one mobile application (Android/iOS/Windows) pen-testing, malware analysis and security assessment framework capable of performing static and dynamic analysis.
Source code for - a free online web and mobile security class.
The Mobile Application Security Testing Guide (MASTG) is a comprehensive manual for mobile app security testing and reverse engineering. It describes the technical processes for verifying the controls listed in the OWASP Mobile Application Security Verification Standard (MASVS).
Scanning APK file for URIs, endpoints & secrets.
the fastest and most powerful android decompiler(native tool working without Java VM) for the APK, DEX, ODEX, OAT, JAR, AAR, and CLASS file. which supports malicious behavior detection, privacy leaking detection, vulnerability detection, path solving, packer identification, variable tracking, deobfuscation, python&java scripts, device memory extraction, data decryption, and encryption, etc.
An effort to build a single place for all useful android and iOS security related stuff. All references and tools belong to their respective owners. I'm just maintaining it.
Runtime Mobile Security (RMS) 📱🔥 - is a powerful web interface that helps you to manipulate Android and iOS Apps at Runtime
Hand-crafted Frida examples
[Official] Android reverse engineering tool focused on dynamic instrumentation automation leveraging Frida. It disassembles dex, analyzes it statically, generates hooks, discovers reflected methods, stores intercepted data and does new things from it. Its aim is to be an all-in-one Android reverse engineering platform.
A Huge Learning Resources with Labs For Offensive Security Players
StaCoAn is a crossplatform tool which aids developers, bugbounty hunters and ethical hackers performing static code analysis on mobile applications.
(WIP) Runtime Application Instruments for iOS. Previously Passionfruit
Jackhammer - One Security vulnerability assessment/management tool to solve all the security team problems.
Oversecured Vulnerable Android App
Android security insights in full spectrum.
A Collection of Secure Mobile Development Best Practices
Unofficial frida extension for VSCode
Mobile penetration testing android & iOS command cheatsheet
The Mobile App Pentest cheat sheet was created to provide concise collection of high value information on specific mobile application penetration testing topics.
Frida Script Runner is a versatile web-based tool designed for Android and iOS penetration testing purposes.
Oversecured Vulnerable iOS App
Django application that performs SAST and Malware Analysis for Android APKs
Testowanie oprogramowania - Książka dla początkujących testerów
Conteúdo em português sobre segurança em Dispositivos Móveis.
A repository of telemetry domains and URLs used by mobile location tracking, user profiling, targeted marketing and aggressive ads libraries.
Vulnerable Banking Suite