There are 1 repository under mlib topic.
Fundamentals of Spark with Python (using PySpark), code examples
Java Convolutional Neural Network example for Hand Writing Digit Recognition
MachineLearning examples using Spark MLIB and Databricks
Includes several examples of data manipulation techniques by using PySpark and machine learning algorithms using MLib
Sample code for pyspark
Online Retail Recommender JAVA Application using implicit feedback with collaborating filter algorithm
Advertising click prediction with Spark and MLib
A Capstone Project implementing Big Data concepts using Apache Spark
Projects focused on big data processing, including the latest big data technologies (Spark), and NoSQL database (MongoDB).
Recommender System for large data sets using Tries
There is a problem with high churn these days: basically, too many customers cancelling the service. It establishes that what is recommended for this problem is the use of PySpark, since the marketing team has a large volume of data about customers.
The objective is predict the percentage of chance a flight being delayed. If there was a delay in the arrival of the flight, it's considered a delay. Tools: Spark, RDDs, Spark ML
Data Analytics pipeline using Apache Spark | Build multi-class classification models | Test the model using test data and compute accuracy of each method
Final Year Research project to recommend movies based on user behavioral data using the Big 5 personality model and user rating data. The model uses K-Means Clustering for Big 5 scores and 3 ALS models to recommend movies
Spark and Python for Big Data with PySpark. Distributed Machine Learning
Apache Spark Machine Learning project using MLlib and Linear Regression on Databricks!
UE19CS322 Big Data course project
Spark ML 机器学习:监督学习、无监督学习,主要有:分类算法、回归算法、聚类算法、推荐算法、频繁模式挖掘算法
Predicted customer transactions using recency, frequency, spend behaviour and Social Network metrics over lifetime using MLlib
Projects focused on big data processing, including the latest big data technologies (Spark), and NoSQL database (MongoDB). Developed with Pyspark.
Football shots visualization and player prices prediction. Built with Spark for distributed computation and Streamlit for the frontend
python code cleaning, analysing and building a regression model for public earnings data in the state of MN
Implemented Classification and Clustering models using Spark MLlib on Airlines Data.
Yandex Practicum Data Science project
Self Learning pySpark Library (pySpark Data frame and MLib)
An Image classification approach using BigData (spark) machine learning and data manipulation libraries.
Hello there! In this repository I will explain how to predict hand written digits using Spark Machine Learning decision tree classifier algorithm which will produce 88% accurate predictions at the depth of 15.