There are 0 repository under minkowski-distance topic.
Linkage Methods for Hierarchical Clustering
Collection of Generic Data Structures and Algorithms in C.
This work is for my thesis. This paper is published on I-IKM-2019
Repositório de projetos pessoais para testar o meu aprendizado e treinar novas técnicas.
Clustering high-dimensional data with Minkowski distance
Classification of IRIS Dataset using various distance metrics.
This project uses the K-Nearest Neighbors algorithm to classify individuals into gender categories based on their physical attributes. It assesses the model's performance across different configurations and feature sets.
Statistics is a command line tool for computing distance and data normalization
Implementing the kNN algorithm using python and comparing the Euclidean, Manhattan and Minkowski distances
Customer Segmentation using mahalonobis and minkowsi distance
A simple python project about Minkowski distance.
Classification using KNN on Vertebral Column Data Set