There are 0 repository under meetapp topic.
FullStack App for Meetups!
Application built during the Rocketseat GoStack Bootcamp
š Fullstack scheduling application
Application built during the Rocketseat GoStack Bootcamp #8
AplicaĆ§Ć£o desenvolvida atravĆ©s dos desafios propostos para a certificaĆ§Ć£o do Bootcamp GoStack 8 da Rocketseat.
Event agregator for developers
:busts_in_silhouette: Meetapp Application using Node.js, Express, Nodemon, Sucrase, ESLint, Prettier, Sequelize, Json Web Token, bcrypt.js, Yup, pg, pg-hstore, Insomnia, Docker and Postbird
:busts_in_silhouette: Meetapp Application using Node.js, Express, Multer, date-fns, Mongoose, Bee-Queue, Nodemailer, Express Handlebars, Youch, dotenv, Insomnia, Docker, MongoDB Compass Community, Postbird, Mailtrap and Sentry