There are 6 repositories under linear-regression-python topic.
A system that is capable of automatically irrigating the agricultural field by sensing the parameters of soil in real-time and predicting crop based on those parameters using machine learning. The system also predicts the yield of the crop.
A small repository explaining how you can validate your linear regression model based on assumptions
Analyse a Dataset of Ecommerce company based in New York City that sells clothing online , order either on a mobile app or website for the clothes they want.Predict whether to buy using mobile app or website
Predicting Boston Housing Prices using Linear Regression
Machine learning project to predict NYC property prices.
This is a small multiple linear regression project created for academic purposes.
Explore properties adversarial training in linear models. Companion code to the paper "Regularization properties of adversarially-trained linear regression"
Using regression analysis to find the relation between water temperature and salinity in the CalCOFI dataset
Multiple Linear Regression from scratch without using scikit-learn.
Mathematics for Intelligent Systems-1 Project on Student Grade Prediction using Linear Regression
PCA For Dimension Reduction And Visualization, Temperature-Yield Prediction Via Linear Regression, And Linear Fit Optimization Using Gradient Descent.
Linear Regression Algorithms for Machine Learning using Scikit Learn
This is a small simple linear regression project created for academic purposes.
Short Project by Coursera on Linear Regression With Python
Point-of-Sale (POS) for Sweet Avenue Coffe • Bakeshop
performs simple linear regression over a given dataset
This project basically aims to provide a visual representation and comparative analysis of close price data related to different company ticker. It involves an interactive dashboard for users to display analysis and prediction of stocks data by using LSTM + XG-Boost model
A predictor for students' grade using Linear Regression
A very simple Multiple Linear Regression (MLR) algorithm from Scratch. I did not use Scikit-Learn or any similar libraries
Deep Learning and Text Analysis: Compare Linear Regression and Neural Network Results
Car Price Predictor using Linear Regression and Quikr Car Dataset
Hello! All codes belong to me. I created those codes for my Machine Learning Lab Class. Enjoy it!
Machine Learning: LSTM Network
Linear regression is a statistical method for modeling relationships between a dependent variable with a given set of independent variables. Note: In this article, we refer to dependent variables as responses and independent variables as features for simplicity.
Using Linear Regression to build a model that can predict football player rating based on key statistics
The goal of this project is to build a model that can accurately predict the price of a house based on its features.
This project involves predicting Total Yield Energy of a gas turbine using linear regression models.
Screwing around with Machine Learning
Adding a few projects related to regression - Bike rental Model .
Machine learning models and approaches
Machine learning regression analysis on salary data and cost function optimization with 3D visualization.
These are my notes, lessons, models, and code for topics on machine learning. Topics include everything from data pre-processing to logistic regression intuition, and more!
Library For Classifying the MNIST Dataset
This repository contains applications of various topics under Machine Learning
TourPredict is a predictive modeling project that analyzes the impact of environmental factors on tourism resource allocation. Using data on temperature, air quality, noise levels, and visitor statistics, it builds models (Linear Regression, Random Forest) to forecast resource needs and optimize site management.