There are 2 repositories under leaky-relu topic.
Rede Neural Convolucional para reconhecimento de gestos em LIBRAS (Alfabeto) Projeto 01/2019 - Ciência da Computação (Universidade Anhembi Morumbi)
The project aimed to implement Deep NN / RNN based solution in order to develop flexible methods that are able to adaptively fillin, backfill, and predict time-series using a large number of heterogeneous training datasets.
Convolutional autoencoder for encoding/decoding RGB images in TensorFlow with high compression ratio
Avoiding the vanishing gradients problem by adding random noise and batch normalization
This package is a Tensorflow2/Keras implementation for Graph Attention Network embeddings and also provides a Trainable layer for Multihead Graph Attention.
Deep Learning Projects
The code implements a neural network model, PricePredictor, trained on historical stock price data to predict future stock prices, visualizing the predictions alongside historical prices and calculating the average of the predicted prices.
Creating your own custom layers(Leaky ReLU) with Keras
Neural Network implemented with different Activation Functions i.e, sigmoid, relu, leaky-relu, softmax and different Optimizers i.e, Gradient Descent, AdaGrad, RMSProp, Adam. You can choose different loss functions as well i.e, cross-entropy loss, hinge-loss, mean squared error (MSE)
Using the features in the provided dataset, creating a binary classifier that can predict whether applicants will be successful if funded by Alphabet Soup.
Image Classification, Python, Feedforward-Neural-Network, Tensorflow, Keras, CNN, ReLu
CNeuron is a simple singular neural network neuron implementation in C, designed for easy integration into C projects.
Deep Learning concepts practice using Cifar-10 dataset
Deep Learning concepts practice using Cifar-10 dataset
PyTorch implementation of normalization-free LLMs investigating entropic behavior to find desirable activation functions
:octocat: This repository summarizes the basic concepts, types and usage scenarios of activation functions in deep learning.
Advance Machine Learning (CSL 712) Course Lab Assignments
Jupyter notebooks to create random file transfer data on an ElasticSearch Cluster in order to train a neural network to predict the file transfer duration.