There are 0 repository under label-encoder topic.
Few-Shot Cross-Lingual Stance Detection with Sentiment-Based Pre-Training
To predict whether booked appointment will be completed or it will be no show.
Machine learning algorithm is used to detect whether the person will suffer from chronic kidney disease or not.
This project aims to predict the salary of employees based on various features using a decision tree classifier algorithm. By analyzing the provided dataset, the model can make accurate predictions if the salaries of new employees is above 100K or not.
Supervised-ML-Decision-Tree-C5.0-Entropy-Iris-Flower-Using Entropy Criteria - Classification Model. Import Libraries and data set, EDA, Apply Label Encoding, Model Building - Building/Training Decision Tree Classifier (C5.0) using Entropy Criteria. Validation and Testing Decision Tree Classifier (C5.0) Model
Diamond Price Prediction Using Machine Learning (Regression Use Case)
[CIKM 2021] The source code of "Fully Hyperbolic Graph Convolution Network for Recommendation"
Here are some fun projects to learn ML using Handson approach
Machine Learning Exercise: Exploring categorical plots, LabelEncoder, pipelines and GridSearchCV using Telco Customer Churn data from Kaggle
Prepare a classification model using Naive Bayes for salary data
Data analysis, visualization and prediction to predict whether a patient has benign or malignant breast cancer based on properties of the cancer
Machine learning Classification for Family Determination for various generations by their age, height, weight, etc...
Feature Engineering on Time Series Dataset (Flight Price Prediction)
Unofficial but extremely useful Label and One Hot encoders.
This repository contains introductory notebooks for support vector machine
Prepare a classification model using Naive Bayes for salary data.
Predict the Burned Area of Forest Fire with Neural Networks and Predicting Turbine Energy Yield (TEY) using Ambient Variables as Features.
CyberSoft Machine Learning 03 - Overview
Exploratory Data Analysis Part-2
Prediction model for profit of 50 startups dataset by Multiple Linear Regression
- Fundamentos de Estadística matemática. - Conceptos clave de Machine Learning. - Desarrollo de modelos y Algoritmos. -Proceso EDA y preprocesamiento de datos. -Tratamiento de Outliers y NaN. -Estandarización y Codificación de características para un modelo. - Entrenamiento de Modelo de ML. -Desarrollo de una APP a partir de un modelo.
Showcasing data science skills for a dataset provided by State Farm for a coding interview.
Repositório com pratica de ETL
This Github repository contains cross selling of health insurance customers on vehicle insurance product. We have to predict whether a customer would be interested in Vehicle Insurance or not by building a ML model. Exploring Insights/Inferences by performing EDA on the given project data. Finding the high accuracy
Churn prediction means detecting which customers are likely to leave a service or to cancel a subscription to a service.
Logistic regression is a supervised machine learning algorithm mainly used for classification.
We build a model to predict the value of used cars, while also considering speed and quality of the prediction.
Developed a text classification model to classify SMS as either spam or non-spam using Python.
Moral decision-making: Moral Machine experiment (MM) in relation to Legal Systems of countries Open Data Barometer (ODB)
Web application built with Flask that predicts the price of used cars based on various features
Life expectancy data processing
Customer personality analysis project