There are 0 repository under jweb topic.
A self contained example demonstrating how to use Mediapipe Pose Landmarker with Max's `jweb`
A self contained example demonstrating how to use MediaPipe FaceLandmarker with Max's jweb
A self contained example demonstrating how to use MediaPipe Hand Gesture Recognizer with Max's jweb connected to either a live webcamera stream or using still images. This example does both handtracking and gesture recognition.
A self contained example demonstrating how to use MediaPipe HandLandmarker with Max's jweb connected to either a live webcamera stream or using still images.
A self contained example demonstrating how to use MediaPipe Object Detection with Max's jweb
An example of loading the Mediapipe FaceMesh into Max's jweb
DOTWEBSAUCER is a Programming Language which is invented by wilmix jemin j in JDollar(JWEB) at year 2017.
JWEB7.0 is invented by wilmix jemin j at year 2017 and it is based on Advanced Business Frameworks using Advanced Business Techniques.
ADVANCEDJAVA8 is focused on Advanced Technologies simillar to JdollarPart2. which is invented by wilmix jemin j in JDollar P.L @2017
ARROWC is used only in America.which is invented by wilmix jemin j in JdollarWEB(JWEB) p.l at year 2016.
JAVA2.0 (JWEB-JAVA) is invented in JWEB by wilmix jemin j at year 2016 and it consists of 25 modules simillar to Remote Webapplication SKY P.L WEB
JWEB2.0 is JWEB part2 invented by wilmix jemin j at JDollarWEB P.L at year 2015
JWEB3 is about JWEBPart3. and JWEB3 Latest Technologies and P.L are WSON,JHSON,JOS, NSLASH, JAW, H@, CSHELL.
JWEBAGENT Programming Language is about more detail about JWEB CLOUD computing. and it is used for datatransfer from Linux to windows . and it is invented by wilmix jemin j in JWEB(JDollar) P.L. at year 2017.
JDOLLARPART5 (JWEB5.0) is about MostPowerful AdvancedBusiness invented by wilmix jemin j at year 2017. JDOLLARPART5 consists of modules from 1 to 100.
JWEBAGENTPART2 is invented by wilmix jemin j in JDollar(JWEB) P.L at year 2017 is focused for high security with encoding and decoding the text with encryption.
SLINGPART2(SEE2) is a powerful big sky P.L invented in JDOLLAR(JWEB) by wilmix jemin j for Remotewebapplication at year 2016.
SLING is powerful Programming Language invented in JDOLLAR(JWEB-JSLASH) by wilmix jemin j for cloud computing at year 2016. SLING P.L is Ranked as NO:4
WSHARP (W#) Programming language is used for software development and Remotewebapplication it is invented by wilmix jemin j at JDollar P.L and C# at year 2016