There are 1 repository under js-modules topic.
A copy of To-Do-List project created for the purpose of receiving partners reviews and feedbacks.
Book Listing App with minimalist interface
My first attempt th the mandatory Todo app for javaScript newbies
Following industry best practices, this individual portfolio website was painstakingly designed utilizing the most recent web technologies, such as HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. As a consequence, visitors will have a smooth user experience while viewing an attractive and engaging presentation of projects and abilitie
Repository of package, with tools designed to work with strings, numbers, and mathematics.
Trip booking app with admin and client panel build using rest API.
Rock Paper Scissors Lizard Spock
📈 Simple calorie counter app built with vanilla JavaScript and refactored using the Webpack module bundler (from Brad Traversy's modern JS course).
Bankist: A Web Application simulating an online banking experience, the project was introduced by John Schmedtmann as part of the Complete JavaScript Course on Udemy. The Application features multiple functionalities with a focus on accessibility & other modern requirements
Trip booking app with admin and client panel build using rest API.
Challenge by Frontend Mentor: using three separate APIs
Tic, Tac, Toe game. Used min-max algorithm.
Web-интерфейс для СRМ системы c возможностью: просмотра списка людей в виде таблицы. добавление нового клиента, изменение информации о существующем клиенте
Игра "Найди пару" :video_game:
Панель управления студентами: таблица студентов с фильтрами и сортировкой, формой добавления нового студент и работой с API сервера.
A responsive mobile menu with accessibility features designed for both screen reader users and keyboard-based navigation.
Record and save your daily spend and see the average over a number of days.
Accessible video player with custom controls.
CSS and JavaScript page loader which displays a loading animation or message, depending on the user's preferences.
Edit, complete or delete to-do tasks. You can also reorder to-dos, if they get out of synch.
Responsive desktop-first layout based on Figma
Webpack 5 is a popular open-source JavaScript module bundler that is widely used in modern web development. It is an evolution of earlier versions of Webpack, and it brings several new features and improvements over its predecessors.
Homework for NPM, Modular JavaScript and Local Storage topics. The project uses Lodash and SimpleLightbox libraries.
Приложение ToDo для списка дел с возможностью переключения используемого хранилища - локальное хранилище браузера (localStorage) или серверное (сервер с API).