There are 0 repository under java-reflection-api topic.
🌴️ An efficient Reflection API for Java and Android built in Kotlin.
Repository of my learning notes and programs for fundamental & important concepts of Java programming and development.
Java Reflection and Unsafe Alternates - MethodHandle and VarHandle API - Fix broken tests in a Code Kata
Skeletal javax.lang.model Implementation, Plus Concrete Realization Backed by Core Reflection, Akin to JEP 119
An implementation of Managed Data in Java
A Dependency Injection framework designed for JVM and Android applications with an Open-Ended API and Submit-Callback features and a specialized implementation for the jMonkeyEngine Applications.
A lightweight and easy-to-use dependency injection framework in Java
Demo project for filter request payloads in Spring Boot
Example of a simple library for JSON serialization with Java Reflection API
How can Java Reflection be used to change the values of Integers and Strings at runtime?
Framework that augments RMI with transparent session support using reflection & AOP
Java Reflection Api
:triangular_ruler: TDL项目ServletDispatch(Spring MVC)重写
A simple example using Java Reflection to read and XML file, create a class of students using reflection (methods and field calls), add students to classes, and write out by recreating XML file.
Java reflection: find annotated classes or methods
Simple utility class for working with the reflection API and handling reflection exceptions.
Quelques tests de programmation en Java
Working with Java Reflection API and Testing with JUnit 5
Repositório de documentação a respeito de Java Reflection assim como algumas implementações de fim didático
Framework to populate data model trees with data from structured text using regex & custom annotations
Trabalhando reflexão com Java
Examples of Java Reflection API.
Custom annotation for Java documentation with code introspection using the Java reflection API
Java/Scala based testing cluster w/ Akka framework.