There are 1 repository under image-cache topic.
🚩 FastImage, performant React Native image component.
🏐 Volley library : make everything faster . Its an improvements for Volley by Google for Android
A simple yet powerful image component for React Native, powered by Glide and SDWebImage.
:octocat: Easy, sample and flexible library for loading, caching and displaying images on Android. written in Kotlin
A fast, easy to use Objective-C image cache
Networking in Swift with REST API calls and URLSession, that puts the parsed JSON Data from an HTTP based JSON storage endpoint I created into a TableView and persists the data using Core Data with CRUD (create, read, update, and delete). I used also Unit Tests to test URLSession asynchronous network operations and make the project as robust as possible. When the JSON data is parsed into the dynamic TableView cell we can easily delete the cell with a swipe, the TableView will then reload itself with a custom made animation and Core Data will update and save the changes in realtime. There is also an option to send HTTP GET requests to the JSONPlaceholder server. A And last but not least I implemented a settings launcher slide-up menu that slides up from the bottom of the screen when the settings tab bar button is pressed. On the slide-up menu, we have all the functionalities I mentioned above like getting the data from the REST API, filtering the data in the cells using a search bar and sorting them in the right alphabetical order, and also send data to a REST API.
:zap: Nativescript image caching plugin using Fresco for Android and SDWebImageCache for iOS
A Caching service for multimedia
Easy way to cache images with angular and capacitor or with ionic and capacitor
This library can download images from URL and save them inside your external storage. If device does not have external storage it takes device cache directory to store images downloaded from the URL provided. Library used Asyn to download images and they want show in gallery. Mostly useful if apps need to cache images from url tile images changed.
Example of image load from server into android app
This is a camera-test + list photo in nativescript (3.2.x)
A demo app that shows images from flickr using android arch components and uses a custom Image Caching Library.
ImageCaching - ImageDiskCaching - RestAPI - iOS - Swift - MVVM - Pagination - Realm - TestCases
Flickr PhotoSearch is a small app to search images using Flickr API.
Instance caching library
Clear GitHub badge image cache with Go
Image Cache for iOS in Swift
An image loading and caching library for iOS
A React Native based component for Image Cache in your application.
Challenge code for a project that consumes a REST data feed of images for groups of products advocated by individual influencers with profile images
React Native Higher Order Component that adds advanced caching functionality to the react native Image component.
FlickrImageSearch is as simple app used to search image's
ImageCaching - RestAPI - iOS - Swift - MVC
This Small Project displays how to download image using Kingfisher 3rd Party in a very easy way and then displaying images in scroll view. displaying