There are 2 repositories under htlm5 topic.
This is a pacman game made using HTML, CSS and Javascript only.
Monitor your PC like never before!
My professional portfolio showcases my skills and experience using React JS, HTML, and CSS. It includes projects I have worked on, my education, and relevant work experience. It provides a dynamic and engaging user experience for potential employers and clients.
Building Awesome-Books-project mainly using practical tests for JavaScript/Html and CSS functions, this reviews the things learned so as to show an understanding of all things learned.
The 3-D Slider uses swiper library and vanilla Js
HTML5 game tutorial made for HTML.IT
A web application developed to increase the sales of the car rental stores through online booking system and it also helps the managers to analyze monthly car rental sales through bar graph representation. Main Technologies used are AngularJS, Node.js, Express, MongoDB, HTML5, CSS3 and Bootstrap 3.
🚀 Curated collection of amazing automation scripts.
This page is a clone of the old YouTube page.
Project-based on an online website for a conference. This website is created from some design guidelines and is customized to present information about Running is a passion. Built with Javascript.
A webapp that displays crypto currences, ranking according to their prices
Challenge proposed in module 02 of the XPe minicamp
It is a Subscription-based OTT (over-the-top) platform to access entertainment content. This project is Individually built within 5 days
Open Book Project
This project involves building a personal portfolio website using HTML and CSS. The goal was to understand how to parse a design from Figma, a popular design tool, and use Flexbox to position elements on the page. The website will also include images and backgrounds to enhance its appearance and forms with HTML5 validations.
A To-Do List project from Microverse. It simply lists the things that needs to be done and allows the user to mark them as complete
used simple javascript concepts
The Game is designed on Html, Css and JavaScript
Tab-Notas permite que você escreva suas anotações organizando-as em tabs. Este projeto abrange apenas o font-end, sendo composto de HTML, CSS e javaScript.
Controle de estoque Ti HCS, Web Service implementado utilizando as técnologias PHP e MYSQL.
🧼Tela de Registro e Login que "escorrega" para os lados. Perceba que a senha é um campo protegido, onde não pode-se ver a senha diretamente. Como deve ser para proteger o usuário e seus dados.
This is the Github ProFinder website. You can find a GitHub user through this website. You can see his profile and his repositories
This is my Personal Portfolio Web Project build for my Responsive Web Design Certification in FreeCodeCamp.
News project based on laravel with special CMS based on JS
Projet semaine 4 : Exemple de site vitrine pour une entreprise fictive : "TerreDeGeek"
Building Awesome-Books-project to review the things learned so as to show an understanding of all things learned. Technologies: HTML|CSS|Javascript
First version of my portfolio with HTML and CSS
This template will made up of pure HTML and CSS