There are 2 repositories under hoare-logic topic.
Lecture notes for a short course on proving/programming in Coq via SSReflect.
Hoare Type Theory
Program Analysis, Software Verification & Testing. Python3, CAS, Dafny, Z3, CVC4, UCLID, ZChaff, NuSMV, AFL, Scala, CBMC & LLVM Framework (CO).
A web-based graphical proof assistant for LK and Hoare logic.
A Tutorial on Reflecting in Coq the generation of Hoare proof obligations [maintainer=@k4rtik]
Operational semantics, Type-based information flow security, Hoare logic, Verification conditions, and Separation logic in Agda for the IMP language
Pyrefine – python code checker based on Hoare logic
Hoare logic for classroom demonstration
Mini-language for program verification using Hoare logic
Verification Condition Generator for a Simple Imperative Language and a Guarded Command Language
A toolkit for the creation of correct-by-construction arithmetic languages.
Ejemplos básicos de programación concurrente y paralelismo.
LaTeX and matlab files for this course
Write readable Hoare style proof outlines for imperative programs in Agda.
Agda proof of soundness of Hoare Logic for a simple toy language
Things that are needed for formally verifying a system
Synthesis with Read-Only Borrows
Web page hosting the pedagocical material prepared in the scope of the FVOCA class of the MESCC MSc
Contract-based approach to declaratively specify distributed dataflows
Calco Python API implementation. Contract-based approach to declaratively specify distributed dataflows
An interpreter for an imperative language and a Hoare logic prover
A Vagrant box with the Hoare Advanced Homework Assistant (HAHA) all set up and ready to go.
Unofficial, handwritten parser aimed at transpilation of the HAHA language.
Extensible HAHA transpiler.