There are 2 repositories under high-fidelity-prototype topic.
Ignitus components library & UI 🎉🎸
A figma front-end prototype for a subscription-based food delivery application. Fully ready, with smooth complete animations!
Documentation for Travel Journal Desktop Application
A simple framer.js yeoman template using webpack for non-macs
Bibliophile is an online book store app, designed for book lovers to help them discover the world of books and to assist authors in selling their book, presenting readers and authors with a single platform to enjoy and enhance their knowledge!!
High fidelity prototype and HCI study for a tourism website
(🟢 !used) Website for Summer '22 The Pitch competition by Techpoint built using Next.js & bootstrap
High-fidelity prototype of a book club website including a registration form which demonstrates design principles.
Cryptox - Basically a sort of new idea with trading and transaction options for different currencies.
VLIVE feature proposal prototyping in Naver Design Fellowship batch 1
Naver Music rebranding proposal prototyping in Naver Design Fellowship batch 1
Year-2 Module taken in NTU that focuses on interaction between human and computer and effective rules to follow when designing UI prototypes
CityBuddy is an MTA-based navigation app designed for both New New Yorkers and Native New Yorkers. It prioritizes accessibility and language support, and features personalized alerts, hard-coded maps for underground travel, and skill-dependent directions. Community-enhanced data ensures accurate information.
Design Project for ENSE 885AW - People-Centred Design
This repo contains all deliverables for the course - Human Computer Interaction [UE18CS348]
Creación de una página web para visualizar data, filtrarla, ordenarla y realizar algún cálculo agregado (HTML, CSS, JavaScript y Jest).
Group Project Completed in DES102:Introduction to HCI course in IIITD during the Monsoon 2021 Semester. Professor: Indrani De Parker
Group Project Completed in DES102:Introduction to HCI course in IIITD during the Monsoon 2021 Semester. Professor: Indrani De Parker
This repo contains the UI design for, an AI-powered savings and expense tracker with features like real-time expense tracking, financial goal planning, and personalized money-saving tips.