There are 0 repository under hero-icon topic.
像官方 ChatGPT 一样使用,再加入更强大的功能(Use as the official ChatGPT, with even more powerful features.)
Built using ReactJS, NextJS, TypeScript, OpenZepplin Contracts, Solidity, ThirdWeb, Polygon, MetaMask, TailwindCSS, Hero Icons, React Hot Toast, React Fast Marquee, React Spinners and Husky
It is a modern e-commerce website. First there is animated hero component and sticky navbar at the top. In this project you can also read stories and explore products. And also you can add to cart products, it is fully functional.
Built using ReactJS, NextJS, SSR, NextAuth, JWT OAuth Tokens, Recoil, Middleware , Debounce, Spotify API, Tailwind CSS, Hero Icons and Headless UI.
Responsive React Tailwind Cloud Manage Website
Web Hero Assignment-10 (Technology Used- React, React-Router , Firebase Authentication )
Instagram-clone is a full-stack project built with Next.js, Tailwind CSS, and Firebase. It includes all the core features of Instagram and utilizes tools like next-auth and Faker.js for authentication and data generation.
Next Js
Built using ReactJS, NextJS, NextAuth, TypeScript, Redux Toolkit, Redux Persist, Webhooks, Firestore, Stripe Checkout and more
Source code for Everyday Iron Workout Warehouse Website
My 2023 portfoilio made with nextjs and tailwindcss
This project i did with following tutorial "Build and Deploy a Complete Typescript Fitness Application". During the the project i improved my skills on React, Typescript, Vite, Tailwind, Hero Icons, Framer Motion, Form Submit, React Anchor Link Smooth Scroll.
A web portfolio Application built with typeScript and Nextjs
this repo contain a clone of the popular huluweb_movie_app
🏋🏽 A Gym Landing Website using Framer Motions, Tailwind CSS and TypeScript.
This is React based MERN stack project
🏋🏽 A Gym Landing Website using Framer Motions, Tailwind CSS and TypeScript.
Responsive React Tailwind Cloud Manage Website.