There are 3 repositories under hactoberfest2023 topic.
:books: Javascript Algorithms And Data Structures
This is for HacktoberFest2023
A curated list of everything you need in the field of Data Science, Machine Learning, and Artificial Intelligence including but not limited to Online Courses, Documentations, Blogs, Podcasts, Cheatsheets, research papers, latest developments etc.. arranged in sub-domains and further by the language or framework being used.
A beautiful and simple bottom navigation with custom smooth slide animation library built in jetpack compose ❤️
This is a starter repository made specifically so we can help you get your first pull request and learn the basics of Git and GitHub.
Solution to the Coding Challenges by John Crickett:
PLEASE STAR THE REPO. This repository is for the student of IIIT Ranchi who want to participate in hacktoberfest2024
DevProfiles: A place to list and shocase your developer skills and profile
A simple yet beautiful social media app built using laravel & livewire.
Blockchain Developer Career Path For Beginners
Welcome to the ADSC COMMUNITY
The "UTTS" is a GitHub repository featuring code and documentation for a transportation system aimed at unifying multiple modes of travel and transport. This includes backend and frontend source code and user manuals. It's an open-source project, allowing contributions from anyone interested in improving it.
This repository is made for absolute beginners who want to make their first pull request to get eligibility for HactoberFest-2024. Resources
A repository that will guide in making your first contribution.
AutoJoomer extension.
Add GfG potd fcfsWelcome to Hacktoberfest, a fantastic opportunity for students to engage with the open-source community and contribute meaningfully to various projects. Here's a comprehensive guide to help you navigate your way through this exciting journey.
Happy Hacktober! :octocat: This is a beginner friendly repository made specifically for Hacktoberfest that helps you get your first PR.
Contribute to the open source Hacktoberfest
This is the repository which helps you to start your open source contributions during hactoberfest.
A Repository for cool JavaScript Games. Raise Genuine PRs, Your PRs will be accepted, Star This Repo, You aren't allowed to Update The objective of CssTime Folder is to create the design using pure html elements and css and js if needed. Images are not allowed
ReactToWeather is an open source project one can find the current weather of any city irrespective of the location. This project looks very simple but looking forward to unique features and capabilities to it .
A real-time bus tracking system built using Django, incorporating features like live location updates, schedule management, and user-friendly dashboards.
A collection of Resource Templates and UI for Frontend and Mobile that are ready to use
hactoberfest 2023
This Project is using the tflite model to convert the image in its cartoon form.
A webpage with full of music suggestions!
A python library for the beginners. The program includes simple calulations. Genuine PRs will be merged without delays. Open for hacktoberfest PRs.
The community to do open source contribution and learn the web development using level 2 tasks . #webdev #open-source
accepted in hacktoberfest 2023