
There are 0 repository under hackway topic.

  • Automatic-Link- / Automatic-Link-

    This HTML @Hackway page displays a paragraph with a disclaimer and a centered image. The CSS styles the links, while JavaScript converts specific words into clickable links automatically.

    Language:HTML Stargazers:1
  • A-songs-music-player / A-songs-music-player

    A songs | music player with @Hackway is a sleek and user-friendly music player developed. This innovative player allows you to enjoy your favorite tunes effortlessly. With its intuitive interface and seamless playback, you can easily create playlists, browse through your music library, and experience music like never before.

    Language:HTML Stargazers:1
  • A-Snake-Game / A-Snake-Game

    The Snake Game is a classic arcade game where the player controls a snake that moves around the game board, eating food and growing longer. The goal is to avoid colliding with walls, obstacles, or the snake's own body. The game ends when the snake collides with any of these obstacles.

    Language:JavaScript Stargazers: