There are 24 repositories under hacktoberfest2022-accepted topic.
Best password generator agnostic to framework
Repository accepting PR for Hactoberfest 2022
#Hacktoberfest2022 , Hacktoberfest-accepted Hacktoberfest2022-accepted
OPT-IN TO HACKTOBERFEST Follow me on GitHub .#Hacktoberfest #Hacktoberfest2022 #Hacktoberfest2021.
Create your first PR! Don't forget to star if it helped!🌟
Keep your expenses up to date with EXPENSE-TRACKER
Hey everyone, The motto of this repository is to take maximum advantage in college placement interviews and technical rounds.
A Powerfull, Advanced, and Open Source Discord Bot using async api and Postgres DB
It is a repositry consisting of java tutorials,projects, Data Structures and Algorithm, Roadmap Questions and Problems with Solution . Building a FREE Resources for java learners
Here you can find simple issues for hacktoberfest which you can work on. 4 pristine pull requests and win a T-shirt
This is the repository for hacktoberfest2022
A repository to contribute and learn OpenSource
A Public Repo for the People who are looking for contribution and also for first timers
A Language Translator App in HTML CSS & JavaScript. This app is similar to Google Translate. In this app, users can easily translate text into multiple languages, copy translated text, and convert text to speech.
Add DSA and basic programming codes #Hacktoberfest2022
In this repo, I created a travel or tourism website. the theme is based on the beautiful country Iceland.
Create a website for a lodge business using html and css only, this repo is designed for hacktoberfest event!
Repository for Hacktoberfest ,month-long celebration of open-source software by Digital Ocean that encourages participation in giving back to the open-source community
This repo is excluded from hacktoberfest , not make any kind of pulll request in this repo For contributing visit
This repo is for the 2022 hacktober fest beginners to start their open source contribution.
Hacktober Fest Repository
Opportunities for girls in tech who are intrsted in coding.
An E-commerce platform made using React JS, Redux, Firebase (authentication), Firestore, Stripe API (temporarily creating dummy payment gateway) The application is composed of the following Features: Front-End A landing page with animated minimalistic design, with the major categories of items. A quick peek page where five products of each category are on display. A page with Sign-in and Sign-out components. All form related fields are made using reusable components. It has a cart feature that opens up and displays the items selected in the summary and a checkout button. The cart component also allows editing the contents of the items selected. Check out features are yet to be integrated into the application.
The Ultimate Movie Search Engine to Search for Movies and TV Series.
BOT para utilizar no Discord, com o intuito de automatizar as partidas do AmongUS. Onde durante a fase de Task's, o BOT fica responsável de mutar os usuários e durante a fase de report o BOT desmuta os usuários. Ele faz isso através da captura de tela de um "host" que estará também responsável de levantar o BOT.
Form made from HTML,CSS,Javascript
A YouTube Clone using HTML & CSS
A PowerShell Addon for Home Assistant