There are 1 repository under gujarati topic.
Bible databases as XML, JSON, SQL & SQLITE3 Database format for various languages. Developers can download it freely for their development works. Freely received, freely give.
Yrsa & Rasa: fonts for Latin and Gujarati
Input Method Engine (IME) for Mac OS X with built-in support for all Indic Languages
Codebase for Indic-Transliteration using Seq2Seq RNN. For latest repo with Transformer-based models, check:
Towards Building Text-To-Speech Systems for the Next Billion Users - Microsoft Research Intern Work - Accepted at ICASSP 2023
Finite-state script normalization and processing utilities
Kano - An interactive way to learn Gujarati.
Offline speech recognition for Gujarati Language.
A Python NLP Toolkit for Gujarati(Under Progress)
Gujarati Handwritten Character Recognition Project.
"Devanagari Sentiment Analysis" is a project for analyzing sentiments in Hindi, Marathi, Punjabi, Gujarati text data. It preprocesses text, trains ML models, and visualizes sentiment with word clouds and scores.
Gujarat Unicode to NonUnicode converter
a layman dictionary of words common in Hindi and Persian with some links to the Indian/Pakistani media for reference
Notas de estudo do livro Econometria Básica 5 Edição Gujarati
An algorithm that transliterates Gujarati script to Roman / Latin characters with reasonable phonetic fairness.
Baseline trial and conclusion of the gujarati spell checker based on Norvig's solution
Kalapi: A Gujarati Typeface Family (originally by GujaratiLexicon)
Admin panel for managing census activity by back office. Still work in progress
ChatGPT in Indian languages
A free tool to improve your typing! Neurotyper is a comprehensive tool to improve your typing skills, including speed and accuracy. With a simple interface, it's easy to use and provides you with various lessons and practice tests.
Detection of Seven Emotion in Gujarati Language
Android application to display direction using gyroscope sensor, A Digital Compass in Gujarati
A Gujarati (ગુજરાતી) news site developed in WordPress.
fine-tune LLaMa3 on alpaca instruct Gujarati dataset
Gujarati Food Meal Fake API using Json-server
C Program Assignments (Topic wise) By Harikrushna Patel
Extra Gujarati fonts for Slackware Linux