There are 1 repository under gui-editor topic.
Examples for foleys_gui_magic - the styleable plugin gui
A GUI Editor & framework for Three.js
Object GUI - Javascript Object GUI Editor
Jasspa's Microemacs fork - Text editor with GUI and terminal mode, with syntax highlighting, folding, outlines, abbreviations, own extension language, calendar, games, notes, ...
Framework de desarrollo rápido de aplicaciones web y móviles, con un editor visual de vistas, que integra cliente (frontend) en JavaScript y servidor (backend) headless en PHP. Foxtrot busca ser el framework-ultra-liviano-multi-plataforma-todo-en-uno más fácil de aprender y de usar.
A structure-based GUI editor for typesetting math formulae
A GUI Editor & framework for Three.js
Rapid web and mobile app development framework, with a visual editor which integrates a JavaScript frontend with a headless PHP backend. Foxtrot aims to be the easiest cross-platform-ultra-lightweight-all-in-one-framework to learn and use.
GUI Client for Pickles 2 Project
Cross-platform programmer app for LEDRacingGame project