There are 2 repositories under grocery-managementsystem topic.
Grocery store template is created as a wonderful solution for any agricultural or organic food shop Android App UI template. It is a template for an Android developer that want to create grocery application with a clean design. The template is only lay outing without data flow and communication with the backend system. This UI Template can reduce your development time and will loved by developer that hate lay outing design! You can use this app as one big super market app to sale product of your store. This app make easy for user to buy product from store with easy steps and store can get easy order.
Grocery-CMS-PHP-Restful-API is an online grocery shop. The project is developed by using PHP/MySQL/Slim Restful API. The project has powerful backend cms to manage grocery shop online. it has features like add items, remove items, update price, manage orders etc. Restful API ready to embed in Application using JSON data.
Grocery Management System - using JSP and Servlets
Simple implementation of elementary data structures coded from the scratch in Java.
A grocery management system to manage database and generate bills using DJANGO framework
A web-based tool to help the Business Managers (BM) of the Southern Scholarship Foundation (SSF) better effectively buy groceries on a budget for all of the residents. BMBuddy will help track shopping the running total of groceries, a live shopping list, as well as a wish list for the other residents to suggest food items.
A simple inventory management system written in C.
The "Grocery Store Management System" is a web-based application designed to automate and manage various aspects of a grocery store. This system allows store administrators to manage products and inventory efficiently, while customers can browse products, add items to their cart, and place orders online. The system provides a userfriendly interface