There are 1 repository under gradle-tasks topic.
Gradle plugin to deploy Android Snapshot Versions
Manage Gradle Projects, run Gradle tasks and provide better Gradle file authoring experience in VS Code
Run E2E Android Testing with Docker Container
A VS Code extension to lint & format your source files using Spotless & Gradle.
This app include gradle task. If you build this app, you can hear the sound.
The main goal of this project is to provide simple implementation of integration test task for Gradle.
:pushpin: Micronaut and Quarkus Quickstarts - Simple hello-world projects with different platform deployment by using gradle tasks
Used Gradle to build a joke-telling app that has both a free and paid version. This included factoring functionality into libraries as well as using build flavors to modularize the construction of each variant of the app. I also configured a Google Cloud Endpoints development server to supply the jokes.
Java execution in Gradle tasks project structure
JokeTeller - free & paid
Used Gradle to build a joke-telling app that has both a free and paid version. This included factoring functionality into libraries as well as using build flavors to modularize the construction of each variant of the app. I also configured a Google Cloud Endpoints development server to supply the jokes.
Exploring basic features of Gradle's Tasks.
Udacity Android Developer Nanodegree Project #4
Common build configurations for other repos.
A simple Spring Boot application for performing CRUD operations on student entities. Docker is used to containerize the MySQL database and the Spring Boot application. The MySQL database is set up and run using Docker Compose, and the Spring Boot app is packaged into a Docker image using a Dockerfile.