There are 0 repository under googlekeepclone topic.
This is the google keep notes clone developed using flutter and nodejs.
I built a simple note app like Google Keep with React. It's great for jotting down and organizing notes.
This is a Google Keep Clone (Version #1). This is Available with the Basic Features of Taking Notes , Deleting Notes.
This project is a modern, responsive clone of Google Keep with an updated UI/UX, built using React JS, Material UI, CSS, and JSX. It features essential functionalities such as adding, removing, and archiving notes.
This is a replica of Google Keep made using React . A more advanced version I should say 😅 . It allows users to add notes with the title and content . It also allows users to delete notes.
Google Keep Clone
📒 An application built using MERN stack that mimics the features of google keeper web app which allows the users to keep track of their notes.
Backend for NoteWorthy app. NoteWorthy is a productive application inspired from Google Keeps. It lets you store your notes in the form of title, description, priority as well as images.
Keeper - Google Keep Clone