There are 1 repository under go-template topic.
Clean architecture based backend template in Go.
render json, yaml & toml with go templates, from the command line
Golang boilerplate
An enterprise GraphQL template application built using Golang showcasing - Testing Strategy, DB migrations and seeding, integration with an ORM, containerization using Docker, GraphQL Interface, PostgreSQL, subscriptions, redis caching, paginated endpoints.
A simple API skeleton writen in Go
Go-template is an opinionated Hexagonal backend template written in GO.
Golang Boilerplate
Go backend clean architecture boilerplate.
Golang Clean Architecture Template with JWT Auth, Google OAuth2 Authentication, MySQL Connection and User CRUD operations
Kubernetes operator to watch groups of resources and send notifications if conditions are met (realtime)
Create dynamic template repositories with custom variables, leveraging the Go template syntax.
📊This is super simple monitoring service, which collects metrics related to overall health check for any public available web resource and generates insights via dashboard charts.
GO utility to generate Dockerfiles in different variants from yml data
📋 Robust starter template for a new Go library
Helm plugin and standalone tool for Azure - injecting Azure information and KeyVault secrets into files using go template engine
🗜 Clamp — Replace environment variables in any file using go template syntax
Golang API Boilerplate using chi, gorm, zerolog
An enterprise GraphQL template application built using Golang showcasing - Testing Strategy, DB migrations and seeding, integration with an ORM, containerization using Docker, GraphQL Interface, MySQL, subscriptions, redis caching, paginated endpoints.
A Virtual Online Judge Platform to Practice Problem Solving for Competitive Programmers.
easily download your favorite music from doujinstyle
kubectl + render + crypt family, moved
Skeleton for golang app
A simple Golang Template module with auto reload
A simple page that lists all the CronJobs that are available in K8s Cluster
A template for a web server that features server side rendering and API capabilities using go's built-in html template engine.