There are 0 repository under go-orm topic.
More powerful Golang ORM, just like Laraval or Thinkphp's eloquent ORM framework, Use easily but highly secure and performance enhanced in the core. Based on database/sql
Allow gorm's Where() to take in maps of maps that are automatically converted into subqueries
Turn your url query string into sql where clause
从 0.5 到 1 开发go orm框架 ,🍍🍍基于go语言官方提供的数据库操作API,进行二次封装,实现ORM框架的基本功能。本框架计划实现功能:🚩 1.根据结构体创建数据库 🚩2.通过函数API自由组合生成SQL语句 🚩3.实现API之间的链式调用 🚩4.数据库操作hook实现 🚩5.数据库事务
I wanted to provide a map to a WHERE query and automatically turn it into a LIKE query if wildcards were present, this plugin does just that.
This library is a complementary library for Gorm (v2) which resolves the first available pool passed to it.
I wanted to have some case-insensitive where-queries and I often use maps for filtering, so I made this plugin to convert queries into that.
MyGram API is an API that enable the user to store photos and commenting on other people photos.This API is created using Go Language and PostgreSQL
Database Engine for different SQL and NoSQL databases
Another library for encrypting/signing data with GORM
Playing around with ORMs in Go
Basic CRUD application using GoLang to handle job opportunities