There are 0 repository under foreign-function-interface topic.
FFI examples written in Rust
Malfunction backend for Idris with a FFI to OCaml
Port of FFM api from JDK 22 for android 8.0+
"If non-Java programmers find some library useful and easy to access, it should be similarly accessible to Java programmers." - Interconnecting JVM and native code. Tutorials, learning by examples
Using Rust libraries in iOS/macOS apps.
JAVA bindings for GNU Ocrad
Gradle plugin that generates Java bindings from native library headers using Jextract
Swete of cross-langwej lÿbraries
Python offers a rich set of APIs that make it possible to build wrappers for foreign functions written in another language (such as C/C++) and compiled into shared libraries. This article introduces some basic techniques that will allow you to start using shared libraries in your projects.
Example of Foreign Function Interface in haskell
JAX Foreign Function Interface experiments