There are 1 repository under for-humans topic.
Python Logging For Humans (Also supports configurable color logging for the terminal!)
An inline Bash script runner, for Python.
₿ A Human–Friendly API Service for Crypto Currency Information.
A simple library for interacting with Amazon S3.
Simple, elegant, wizarding tools for interacting with Python's dataclasses.
Python Dependency Injection for Humans™
An ultra-simplified explanation to design patterns in C++
:muscle: Simple and secure sub processes manager
Python 3 (PEP 8) version of design patterns for humans:
:vhs: ezrecords - SQL for Humans™ Enhanced
Get a single CSV from a directory of AWS access log files.
Finds the difference between the stored image and the current one coming from the camera.
A simplified explanation of a popular dotfile management workflow
Verify that the user is in the administrators group.
Worker pool for Humans who loves sending billions of HTTP requests