There are 1 repository under fontys topic.
A Typst template for FHICT to create professional looking documents with ease
Using bees as a biosensor for the surrounding fauna by monitoring them
FindIt is an Embedded Systems project, which aims to make finding anything in your collection just a little bit easier.
Smitenoobleague is a website where teams can sign up, compete and see there stats. it's realized with Next.js and a microservices back-end
The Colabradoodle project is the digital artifact of a one-day experimental workshop where a group of curious developers, designers, researchers, and educators came together to explore the chaos and magic of distributed multi-agent systems.
Trale Messenger documentation report. Created in software factory 2020-2021 at Fontys Venlo (Netherlands).
4 algorithmic problems are facing you! Let's solve some! - Assignment from Fontys University of Applied Sciences (ALG1 Course)
Main backend application to service the business needs of the Skilltree learning tool
Platform for managing and monitoring the courses of Maua.
A mobile react native app for a Fontys HBO-ICT project
Implementation of a Binary Search Tree algorithm to find the number of occurrence of a word in a text. - Assignment from Fontys University of Applied Sciences
Fontys University Assignment - Reverse Sorting Algorithm Assignment | The goal is to make a reverse sorting algorithm using only 2 functions and computing the different time complexities of the function / the algorithm.
Introduction into Continuous Integration / Continuous Delivery
A website for employees of the MediaBazaar stores in Eindhoven.
A Java EE and AngularJS Twitter clone for JEA6
Android application for Fontys ICT students.