There are 13 repositories under flutter-event-calendar topic.
A beautiful, extreme smooth and quite nice shoping app interface UI by using Dart + Flutter. Having wonderful animation.
How to add the appointments to the Firebase database using appointment editor in the Flutter event calendar (SfCalendar)
How to add the appointments to Firestore Database using Flutter Calendar
How to format the appointment time in the Flutter event calendar (SfCalendar)?
How to create time table using Flutter calendar
How to load the google calendar events to the Flutter Calendar (SfCalendar) in iOS
How to load data from offline SQLite database to Flutter calendar
How to customize the blackout dates in the Flutter event calendar (SfCalendar) ?
How to add recurring appointments until the specified date in the Flutter event calendar (SfCalendar)
How to add appointment for the selected resources using appointment editor in Flutter event calendar (SfCalendar)?
How to customize the leading and trailing dates of the month cells in the Flutter event calendar (SfCalendar)?
How to add the appointments using the onTap callback in the Flutter event calendar (SfCalendar)
How to perform the CRUD operations in Flutter Calendar using Firestore database
How to get the recurrence date collection in the Flutter event calendar (SfCalendar)
How to add the indicator in the month cells of the date range picker (SfDateRangePicker), when the Flutter event calendar (SfCalendar) has an appointments?
How to style the month cell in the Flutter event calendar (SfCalendar)
How to autofit the calendar to screen height in the Flutter event calendar (SfCalendar)
How to change the time interval width and height in the Flutter event calendar (SfCalendar)
How to customize the agenda view appointment using the style proeprties in Flutter event calendar (SfCalendar)
How to customize the month cell with appointment count in the Flutter event Calendar (SfCalendar)
How to format the view header day and date in the Flutter event calendar (SfCalendar)
How to get the recurrence properties from RRule in the Flutter calendar
How to get the selected dates using selection changed callback in the Flutter Calendar
How to get the appointments between the given start and end date in the Flutter Calendar
How to handle the appointment display mode in the Flutter event calendar (SfCalendar)
How to highlight the tapped view header in the Flutter calendar
How to interact with event calendar cell when appointments loaded in the Flutter (SfCalendar)
How to use navigation drawer for view switching in the Flutter calendar
How to use a negative value for BYSETPOS in a RRule of recurrence appointment in the Flutter Calendar
How to show a particular week in a day view of Flutter event calendar(SfCalendar)
How to navigate to the previous or next views using navigation arrows in the Flutter event calendar (SfCalendar)
How to customize the resource view in the Flutter event calendar (SfCalendar)
How to restrict the view navigation in the Flutter Calendar
How to customize the appointment height in schedule view of the Flutter event calendar (SfCalendar)
How to customize the selection using decoration in the Flutter event calendar (SfCalendar)