There are 0 repository under flask-api-rest topic.
基于字符级卷积神经网络的细粒度的中文情感分析以及具体的应用,将顾客打分和评论情感进行两极映射,使用数据自动标注和基于弱监督预训练的数据增强方式自动扩充和优化数据集,实验证实了在情感分类中,使用本文的字符级卷积神经网络(C-CNN-SA)可以在不依赖分词的情况下,达到的精度和 F 值均高于词级粒度。并将模型上线使用,利用tensoflow+flask restful做出的后端服务化,具体的项目细节和讲解看右面的ppt
A chrome extension to give the summary of youtube videos
This is boilerplate template for a Python Flask application with things you need to get started.
API para consulta de situação cadastral do CPF na plataforma serpro.
Heart-Rate-Api to estimate Heart beats per minute using PPG data
Simple Flask Restful CRUD API
My Rest API program uses python
Dispatch 305 is a website to present a broker service for trucks. This repo contains the backend api developed usign Flask and Flask RESTX as an extension of Flask RESTPlus
A skin cancer detection tool which uses a convolutional neural network trained on 20K images officially annotated by healthcare pros and a Flask RESTful API with PostgreSQL as a backend. Frontend to be added soon...
A RESTful API for the TV show Sons of Anarchy, providing endpoints to access character, season, and episode information.
This repository contains the Flask application that serves as the API endpoint for MedAyu.
Innovative and effective solution to the problem of poor sanitation and waste management in India's cities
This project develops a Flask API for predicting diabetes based on parameters like blood sugar level, BMI, and blood pressure. The API enables integration with healthcare systems for diagnosis and research purposes. It doesn't include a UI and can be accessed via Postman or similar tools.
Flask-API for serving the Regression model that predicts the load shortfall in renewable energy
A simple blog type flask application with pymongo(Mongodb) as database.
EVS notifications for SUTD hostel
Flask Restful API connected to MYSQL
Create REST APIs with Flask and Flask-RESTful
Welcome to the Armstrong Number API! This simple Flask-based API allows you to check if a given number is an Armstrong number.
Electricity Vending System for SUTD Hostel Aircon
In this example, we will package a CNN Application using VGG16 model
A small app implemented in api mode using Flask framework
Backend workflows for SatVision's real-time satellite image and land cover segmentation renderer. Deploys the novel patchify-process-reconstruct approach to run DL-driven segmentation inference in real-time.
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This beginner-level project introduces Flask API development. It features a simple API endpoint where users can submit two numbers in JSON format and receive their sum. The project serves as a learning tool for understanding Flask API basics, JSON data handling, and API testing with tools like Postman.
Salary Prediction API using Flask predicts salaries for freshers joining organizations based on factors like past experience, company switches, courses completed, and academic marks. This Flask-based API allows users to input their details and receive a salary prediction. With no user interface, it's designed for integration into other applications
Simple books flask API Rest
Creating a RESTFul API With Flask - GET, POST, PUT and DELETE
A simple flask API to play around flask. (built while understanding some basic concepts)