There are 15 repositories under filecoin topic.
Reference implementation of the Filecoin protocol, written in Go
**Notice: Uploads Decommissioned - Existing Data is Safe!**
WIP - We're building the place you go to discover, share, and sell files on the web.
DEPRECATED ⁂ The simple file storage service for IPFS & Filecoin
Multilingual BLS12-381 signature library
Filecoin community and ecosystem channels, discussion forums, and more
Reference implementation of the Filecoin Virtual Machine
a Lightweight, Permanent JSON document database
NFT School: Community education platform for developers in the non-fungible token space.
🌌 A network agnostic DHT crawler, monitor, and measurement tool that exposes timely information about DHT networks.
The core components of the blockchain wallet backend, support a variety of blockchain address generation and offline signatures
A custom IPFS/Filecoin node that makes it easy to pin IPFS content and make Filecoin deals.
The Space SDK is a JavaScript/Typescript library for building web and mobile applications leveraging Open Web and distributed protocols like IPFS, Textile, GunDB, and Ethereum.
A starter hardhat project for developing, deploying, and testing Solidity smart contracts on the FEVM (Ethereum Virtual Machine on Filecoin)
The code that runs the ProtoSchool website. Visit for interactive tutorials on decentralized web protocols. Explore IPFS and Filecoin through code challenges, code-free lessons, and local events.
Filecoin Saturn L1 Node • The edge cache layer of Filecoin's decentralized CDN 🪐
Web3-native software distribution. Publish and install executables, Docker images, WebAssembly, and more. Powered by Ethereum, IPFS, and Filecoin.
Boost is a tool for Filecoin storage providers to manage data storage and retrievals on Filecoin.
Filecoin Solidity API Library
A generic HD wallet for Elliptic Curve (Secp256k1) and Edwards-curve (Ed25519) based crypto currencies like Bitcoin, Ethereum, Cosmos, Tezos, Tron, Cardano, Polkadot, Avalanche, FileCoin and more.
Official public repository for feedback and data collection in Filecoin Slingshot
Turtle-themed NFT game and marketplace promoting Indian art.
ChainSafe Files & Storage UI Monorepo