There are 0 repository under eolang topic.
EOLANG, an Experimental Pure Object-Oriented Programming Language Based on π-calculus
Polyglot Static Analyzer for Object-Oriented Programs Based on EOLANG and π-Calculus
Centralized curated storage of all EO objects together with their unit tests
Command-line toolkit for parsing, compiling, transpiling, optimizing, linking, dataizing, and running EOLANG programs
Hamcrest Matchers for EO Programming Language
Syntax Highlighting Intellij IDEA Plugin for EO Programming Language
It's a wrapper over the telegram bots api, but in the style of EO.
A few classic graph algorithms implemented in C++, Java, and EOLANG
LaTeX paper on how to reduce programs to EO objects
This Maven plugin converts Java Bytecode binary files to EOLANG programs that use the "opcode" atom
Our Official Blog: we write about the development of EOLANG and π-calculus
EO Objects for Manipulating with Lists, Maps, Sets, Stacks, Vectors, etc.
Rust implementation of Surging Object DiGraph (SODG)
Replaces all GOTO objects in EO program with semantically equivalent ones but without GOTO
Experimental implementation of Conway's Game of Life in C++ and EO
On the Origin of Objects by Means of Careful Selection, LaTeX paper
Experimental Emulator of a Machine that Understands π-calculus
LaTeX package for drawing π-calculus formulas and SODG graphs
Syntax Highlighting Vim Plugin for EO Programming Language
Experimental virtual machine for EO programs
Command Line Normalizer and Rewriter of π-calculus Expressions (part of EOLANG family)