There are 0 repository under edittextview topic.
EditDrawableText - An EditText which makes your Drawable Clickable
Easily switch between EditText and TextView seamlessly.
This is simple library for creating textview expandable. Like Continue or Less. This library extended versiion TextView. Easy to use.
EditText with support for non editable prefix and suffix.
A new Material Design text field that comes in a box, based on [Google Material Design guidelines]
This repository contains input watcher for auto formatting digits in edit text
An easy to use masked edit text library
This EditText is for android Developer which is easier for them to make an EditText View that has an Icon Left also can make focusable border and that icon . Next Time I will use to Write
A Library to manage properties of Edittext and Textview
Put masks to edit fields with this library. It is so easy!
[Android CustomView] HashTag Edit TextView
a simple library for adding custom fonts to views
A lightweight Android contacts manager app using Room DB and MVVM architecture. Stores names, phone numbers, and email addresses locally.
A Simple Android App to calculate volume of different shapes.
A library to provide an emoji-keyboard implementation for Android applications #android #emoji #edittextview #chat
Android application that uses google sheets as it's backend database
Password EditText for Android with supporting custom font asset src
This application is used to add two number and show the sum
Here, you can find the code from my Short Bits segments on EditTexts from the IJ Apps YouTube channel. Go ahead and copy the files to try it out for yourself.
Text field with automatic hints as you type.
A bmi calculator application to tell the user about their health levels.
This is simple app In which any body can write table of any digit. In this app I have used Intent class and splash Screen and user can enter input according to his/her desired. In this app we have used following tools
In this project i practiced my knowledge in fragments
a method for search item inside recyclerivew in Android Studio