There are 0 repository under datastore-preferences topic.
Android Pluto is a on-device debugging framework for Android applications, which helps intercept Network calls, capture Crashes & ANRs, manipulate application data on-the-go, and much more.
Markdown Editor & Notebook for Android entirely based on Jetpack Compose.
This is sample app about Jetpack Compose, Clean Architecture, etc.
The Movies app is a modern Android app that is built on the MVVM architectural.
KMM project with datastore preferences, Koin, Ktor, and moko libraries
Preferences Datastore with MVVM architecture, Hilt for dependency injection.
A cross-platform (Android/iOS) application built with Kotlin Multiplatform and Compose Multiplatform. Hackertab curates the latest news, repos, libraries, tech events, and more tailored to your profile (e.g., mobile, back-end, full stack, data scientist).
Calorie tracker helps you to keep track of your diet according to your personal goal.
Jetpack Compose, Clean Architecture, MVVM, Coroutines, Room DB, DataStorePreferences, Dagger-Hilt, SplashScreen Api, Retrofit, Accompainst Nav Animation, ViewPager, OpenFoodFactsApi
A photo viewing app I am using to touch on testing, CI/CD and distribution of android apps.
Android Mobile Application that uses camera to detect objects in real-time using TensorFlow Lite and implements additional UI functionalities.
Jetpack Compose App for Ktor City API
A Movie and Tv Series Catalog Apps.
To-Do App with Jetpack Compose MVVM - Android Development
A Kotlin Multiplatform AndroidX DataStore
Depromeet 10기 4조 나나공(나보다 나무늘보가 공부 열심히 한다) Android Repository
🤑 Compose Multiplatform App built with Jetpack Compose , SOLID , Koin , Ktor , DataStore , Napier , Kottie , Coroutines , Kotlinx Serialization
Android client app for website
Kakao Search API 를 이용한 도서 검색앱
DataStrore, MVVM, Flow, Corutines, Hilt
Kotlin Multiplatform Mobile app to save your vehicle's parking location. Do not wander around searching for your care anymore!
Jetpack Compose Flashlight App
Spendwise, an expense management Android app that helps users track their expenses, powered by AWS cloud services
Android app for user authentication with Room and Datastore Preferences. Built with Jetpack Compose and Material 3.
A short-time project that uses the most recent technologies, libraries and best practices (Compose UI as main feature). In this project user can Read and explore in Guardian News by GuardianApi.
Jetpack Compose, Clean Architecture, MVVM, Coroutines, Room DB, DataStorePreferences, Dagger-Hilt, ExoPlayer, SwipeRefresh, ViewPager, Coil, SplashScreen Api, DarkTheme
InformaScope is a News android app that uses the best practices starting from the MVVM & MVI architecture, Jetpack Compose, Retrofit....DaggerHilt....and a lot more.