There are 2 repositories under dataquest topic.
š§ All of courses, assignments, exercises, mini-projects and books that I've done so far in the process of learning by myself Machine Learning and Data Science.
Data Science Massive Open Online Course: All the code, notes and supplementary materials generated during the course of my data scientific learning.
This is a repository for storing and sharing data resulting from working on projects and materials in Dataquest
Data Quest - Data Engineer Learning and Projects
Here's how to get DataQuest's Data Engineering Track missions' content to work on your localhost. Using data from my Valenbisi ARIMA modeling project, I document my steps using PostgreSQL, Postico, and the Command Line to get our DataQuest exercises running out of a Jupyter Notebook.
This repository contains guided projects from Dataquest's Data Scientist path.
Guided Projects - Data Quest
My Analysis on Profitable App Profiles for the App Store and Google Play Markets
This repo contain projects, Execises and Assignments from learning Data Engineering
Data Science Portfolio Repository
Analyzing CIA Factbook Data Using SQL
Performing analysis on the CIA factbook database with SQL and Jupyter.
Full Data Analysis Project from Cleaning to Visualization.
Complex queries, joins, Common table expressions and other intermediate SQL techniques.
Data Cleaning, Preliminary Analysis and Data Visualization.
Data Cleaning Project using Pandas and Numpy. Analysis is mainly focused on data about used cars and analysis regarding price and mileage.
An analysis of Hacker news posts, which posts are most active and most active times of the day for online users.
full data analysis project. Microsoft SQL in stack exchange. Python. Stack Exchange website.
Profitable App Profiles for the Google Play Store and the Apple App Store.
Full Data Analysis Project. From Cleaning to Visualization.
Data Visualization Project with Matplotlib and Pandas. Analysis on US College Graduate data. Earnings, Majors and etc.
Data Visualization. Visualizing Gender gaps in college degrees. majority male degrees or majority female.
DataQuest project on predicting amount of bike rentals using three different regressors
Querying fictional business data to answer business questions.
Investigating recently aborted Fandango movie rating system for inflation.
This is my personal repository of finished projects from the Data Scientist in Python Learning Path offered by as part of the Data Science for Social Good Scholarship recipients.
Using supervised Machine Learning algorithms to build models for classification of Heart Diseases among patients and predicting the risk of getting a Heart Disease in the future.