There are 0 repository under data-treatment topic.
PULsE (Processing Unit for Laser Flash Experiments)
Welcome to my Python scripts repository! I automate and streamline data treatment processes using libraries like **pandas**, **os**, **sys**, **datetime**, **openpyxl**, and **numpy**. These scripts, developed from my experience, efficiently handle various data processing tasks, ensuring accuracy and optimized workflows.
O projeto analisa os investimentos de uma empresa fictícia no YouTube, Facebook e Jornal, identificando os melhores retornos.
This repository has the information used in data treatment.
This repository contains the GEANT4 applications built, experimental data, and jupyter notebooks employed for the data analysis in the e-RPT publication
Data wrangling and analysis for the Legal Department of City of Austin regarding claim settlements against the city.
Submodules is my repository containing modules and objects that I use frequently when handling data and automating data processes.
Tratamento de dados, análise exploratória, seleção e construção de um modelo para previsão de preços de imóveis em Belo Horizonte.
A short exercise to analyze diferrences between tools
Treat field data from a pressure and temperature measurement in the streambed
This repository contains tools and tutorials for cleaning and preparing your data for analysis. It is focused on data scientists and analysts who want to improve their data processing skills. Available tools include: Pandas NumPy Matplotlib
Exploratory data analysis of a dataset containing signals from sensors attached to a human. The goal was to find a means of detecting and distinguishing between 12 activities in real-time.
Introdução a Ciência de Dados - Tratamento de Valores
This repository contains the data for testing SAS application with helicoidal and straigth lines