There are 0 repository under daphne topic.
Hypseus is a SDL2 version of Daphne and Singe. Laserdisc game emulation.
400行代码,五子棋双人联机对战,允许观战。两人进入同一房间即可开始对战,后续进入玩家可观战。下棋无时间限制,中途关闭网页后可以随时再回来继续对战(很适合排队无聊时玩)。前后端通信基于websocket,前端采用原生html js css,UI基于svg。后端Python,基于Daphne。无数据库。
A collection of example ASGI applications
An example to show how to deploy GraphQL Subscriptions in Python on top of Django Graphene, Channels with simple JWT token authentication for queries, mutation, and subscriptions
Demonstration of video streaming using an ASGI application
It is a backend platform for a farmers' community, seamlessly integrated with Django Channels, Redis, Daphne, JWT (JSON Web Tokens), REST API, Django Rest Framework, and WebSocket technologies
Django channels used in docker environment with nginx, redis, and daphne
💬🤖🐍 Django chatting application built with Daphne and Channels that also contains BOT commands for the users. 🐍🤖💬
A sports based social media platform to connect players with academies.
A Real time chat application made by our group with the help of django and its dependencies for our 4th sem full stack python web dev training
Starter template for hosting a Django app on
Appunti del corso di Tecnologie Web @ UniMoRe a.a. 2023-2024
Facilitate seamless advertisement posting for events, perform CRUD operations, create matrimonial profiles, and connect with people using ADConnectAPI.
Django DeepSeek Chat est une application de chat en temps réel intégrant une IA basée sur DeepSeek. Elle permet aux utilisateurs de créer des projets, poser des questions à l'IA, apprendre et collaborer grâce à un système interactif de discussion instantanée. Développée avec Django, Django Channels et WebSockets, elle offre une expérience fluide.
website for mydigitalschool startup project
Repositorio del Proyecto de desarrollo de una aplicación de chat en tiempo real, desarrollado con Django, channels, channels-redis, daphne y websockets
🔥A social network where users can chat in real time using Django + Web sockets.
Async chat project
A collection of tools for developing ASGI applications. Supports both ASGI servers, uvicorn and daphne.
django celery channels all in one docker
Django Redis Channels application deployed in a production environment using Nginx, Gunicorn, and Daphne workin over SSL
The goal of this project is to provide a user-friendly interface for editing and modifying text and code using ChatGPT. This project is built using the Django framework and several other libraries.
A online Dots & Boxes game with Django and WebSocket Programming (Django Channels)
A fun project inspired by a medium article I came across.
Chatto is a chat application to connect and chat with people on the network.
Small chat app with django-channels
An open source copy of my comprehensive full stack progressive web app focused on machine learning, media, and marketing.
This is a full example about how to integrate Django2 with Channels2 using Gunicorn and Daphne at the same time. This project was designed as a monolitic application
The simplest way to build an instant messaging app with Django 🌮 A tutorial to show you the simplest way to add async, real-time events with Django
TestExecutor app to run the python tests and display the status on webpage.