There are 1 repository under crash-course-python topic.
Part of Google IT Automation with Python Professional Certificate. Solutions of Practice Quiz and Module Graded Assessments
Crash course on python [Course 1 of 6 in the Google IT Automation with Python Specialization
Crash course on python by Google on Coursera. It is a certification Course :100: :star:
coursera exercises from the crash course on python
Quiz solution for this course
My solution for "Crash course on python" Course @Coursera
Python Crash Course: Learn by developing 13 games and apps practically [Codebase]
Google IT Automation with Python Professional Certificate
This books should read
Alien Invasion Game - it is my study project from book "Python Crash Course" by Eric Matthes.
Learn in-demand skills like Python, Git, and IT automation to advance your career.